Monday, November 15, 2010

Australia 2010

I visited Sydney, Australia and it's surroundings in October 2010. Below are some of my favorite pictures from my trip.


Walking around the town

Ducks are all standing in a row

Manly Beach - Where we went Scuba Diving


Manly Beach

Manly Beach

Manly Beach
Bondi Beach Surfers

Bondi Beach Surfers


Harbour Bridge and Opera House View from the Ferry

Harbour Bridge at Night

Opera house at night

Evans Lookout at the Blue Mountains

Blue Mountains

Three Sisters

Opera House


Botanical Gardens

Botanical Gardens
 Botanical Gardens

Three sisters

Three Sisters

Watson's Bay

Featherdale Wildlife Park

zigzag lines mean pedestrian crossing is coming up


One more nature picture. I saw this rainbow one morning on my way to work, and i just had to pull over and take the picture.